
The Deplorable Choir

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Ran across these videos on YouTube. This group of talented young ladies have some great pro Conservative videos.  Not only are the songs great for showing Conservatove values they are very entertaining.   If you go to YouTube you can see all of their videos.


What Happened?

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The first part of my life I was a Democrat and voted more often than not for their candidates. Slowly but surely the party turned into something I did not recognize and eventually I switch party affiliation to the Republican party. Unfortunately the Republicans are changing also and I am leaning to the Conservative party.

The Democrats have turned into an anti-American hate group who brands everyone with things such as racist, homophobe and whatever else their tiny brains can think of; there was a time when they would try to see the person and not their attributes – but not anymore.

The Republicans as a party are so weak they have erased the word “no” from their vocabulary and they go along with the Democrat rantings. The Republicans are so weak that they not only go along with the Democrats they have even taken to not supporting President Trump.

The Republicans and Democrats should just get together into one party and get it over. That would leave the Conservatives who are actually listening to the American people as the second party.

And while we are at it the Main Stream Media has played a huge part in making this happen. In the old days the media would tell us the news of the day; but today they aren’t satisfied with that they now do everything possible to make or change the news. They have been very bad to us and until they make an attempt to get back on track they are our enemy and should be avoided at all cost. I have eliminated them from my news source and if I do listen/watch the news it is on Fox; Fox has its own problems but they are the best of the lot.

Yes I think the wall should be built for our own safety so please don’t distract me with what shoes the Presidents wife is wearing.

I Just Don’t Get It

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The very people and groups who call everyone racists and sees racial overtones in literally everyone and everything are the very ones who when they first see a person see first the  color, race, religion, clothes and so forth first and do not see the person first.   And they also think that a black person, Asian or gay person are so weak and inept that they can’t think or fend for themselves.  And who appointed these asinine liberals to speak for all groups in the world;  did anyone ask these folks if they need or want these people  to think for them.

I have seen obsessive animal lovers who say they won’t eat meat because it means an animal has to die and it is cruel.  But I have noticed over time that these same people always without fail will make sure the dog or cat food they buy for their animals have “meat” in it.  I don’t get it,  is that meat in the animal foods not really meat – I don’t think so,  I’ve read the label.

I don’t get it when I hear liberals rail against capital punishment as being cruel and inhumane but these same folks are all pro abortion.   So somehow killing and mutilating babies is somehow ok?  Of course the other side is a bit inconsistent also as Pro Life usually means Pro Capital Punishment;   I am in this group I am afraid as if killers are put to death then they will not be hurting other people in the future.

On the lighter side when going to the grocery store to pick up toilet paper I find that it is not called toilet paper,  it is called bath tissue.  Now who among us has ever bathed with and dried off with “bath tissue”?   It is toilet paper folks – always was and always will be.

Liberals Are Getting Very Tiring

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After the election was over I was afraid that life on line would get very boring.   Then the Liberals started with there whining and crying each one trying to get more attention than the last.  At first there was a certain amount of humor in the shenanigans these folks were doing  and what they were saying was so far out it was in the realm of humor and yet so sad that they had to do and say these crazy things on order to become relevant again.    And even worse the main stream media reported these things like they had just heard brilliant things from the worlds biggest genius.

Anyway,   this stuff is no longer interesting or funny;  it is now just annoying and it is time for people to come to their senses and grow up.  There is no way that anyone can live their life without hearing or seeing anything that might offend them or hurt them in some way;  everyone has trials they have to go through and overcome.

We have yearly elections and if we don’t like what is going on then it is your responsibility to get out and work to elect the person whom you agree with – don’t just whine and complain and disrupt life for everyone else.

Dear Mr Trump

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Just a simple request. Please do not let the Media, Entertainment Industry or Liberal Activists make you back away or water down what you know needs to be done. In the short time you have been in office it is like a breath of fresh air. And the folks you have appointed so far are wonderful and just what this country needs to get back on track.

So please President Trump stay positive and know that most Americans are behind you and praying for you and your family.

Election : Graham, Pastor Duke, Huckabee

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Franklin Graham

Our state has early voting, and I voted this week. As I got out of my car, a lady approached me and asked if I wanted a list of the Progressive candidates. I told her no thank you. You know, the word Progressive is just a way to try to make secular and godlessness sound better and more up-to-date. I told this lady that Progressives are for the most part atheists—and they’re not going to stand for God’s laws and for His direction in our country. Beware, and be sure to know what you are voting for and who you are voting for.
“Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.” (Psalm 20:7)

Mike Huckabee

Given this week’s news, I didn’t expect Hillary Clinton to be in a very cheerful mood. But I’ve noticed that just about every time I’ve seen a clip of her speaking this week, she was launching an aggressive attack of some sort. Maybe at James Comey, but usually at Donald Trump, whom she repeatedly portrays as a mean, crazy, vicious, sexist, racist, dangerous lunatic who will blow up the world with nuclear weapons – and even worse, he insults people!

Meanwhile, Trump gets …in his shots, but I mostly see him talking about policy: how he’ll repeal and replace Obamacare, cut taxes, bring back manufacturing jobs, restore law and order, rebuild inner city neighborhoods and so on. I also notice that he does it with a lot of humor. He throws in funny jabs at the media, sarcasm, hyperbole and self-deprecating ad-libs. Of course, these exaggerated humorous asides are misconstrued by the media as literal expressions of what he seriously believes, so they can pretend to be OUTRAGED!!! But if you actually see the speeches, you realize that Trump is having a ball joking with the crowds, and his optimism about America and his chances of winning is contagious. Hillary scowls that Trump is the “angry” candidate, and the media echo that accusation; but when you see him on the stump, he comes across as a Happy Warrior, fighting hard but enjoying every minute of it.

That’s why I predicted months ago that he would win, in the face of all the media assurances that Hillary was unbeatable, and I’m standing by it. I think voters are finally starting to see through the 24/7 character assassination of Trump and realize that he’s offering them positive reasons for vote for him, not just fear and paranoia about his opponent. That’s what most voters are hungry for.

All that is the perfect set-up to this story from Pew Research that looked into which candidates’ supporters really are the more tolerant of those with diverse views that differ from their own. Some call this a “shocking result,” but I’m not even surprised. I suspect you won’t be, either.

    After so many WikiLeaks revelations, Americans might be tempted to echo Bernie Sanders and say they’re “tired of hearing about Hillary’s d***ed emails.” But Bernie shouldn’t have said that, and neither should we. At the link, an explanation of why the news that broke last night of the FBI finding 350 previously-unknown (not duplicate) Hillary Clinton State Department emails on Anthony Weiner’s laptop is a major deal, possibly the first crack in exposing what could become “t…he biggest scandal in US history.”

    Also worth noting: the story was broken by CBS News. Not Fox or Breitbart or the Internet. The MSM have made it their duty for the past year to act as Hillary’s palace guard, even sending her campaign their stories to edit before printing them. If even CBS senses that what’s coming is so bad, there’s no point in trying to protect the Clintons anymore, and therefore news outlets had better get back to protecting their own reputations, then the dam might be about to burst. Stay tuned.

Duke Hergatt

My favorite prophet in my youth..Stepenwolf” said “There’s a monster on the loose and has our heads into a noose and he stands there watching”. I think they were right.
The monster is a corrupt “progressive” machine that has our schools, mainstream media, one and a half of our political parties, the executive branch of our Government, half of the Supreme Court and about half of congress.
I believe this election and all the scandals will bring their evil house of cards down or seal their deal. I pray for the innocent to prevail and evil to be defeated. Evidence is mounting. The cockroaches are scurrying away from the light. Innocence need not hide or bleach emails nor fear any leaked info. Man this is awesome spiritual warfare.

2016 Presidential Election

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This has been a most interesting campaign cycle so far.   Trump has added a human element to it so far that is interesting and fun.   Hillary just uses the same old tired Liberal talking points.   Trump talked about the issues and Hillary talked about Trump. 

I loved the deplorable remark Hillary made now when I go on Twitter there is about a kazillion user names with “deplorable” in them.  It kind of reenergized things for the Republican side.     I keep waiting for Trump to really let go and slam Hillary with adds and truth but for some reason he is laying low;  I hope he has a last minute barrage of ads planned.  

This past month we have driven from where we are in Waterford NY to Eagle Bridge on one trip and to Corinth and to Schroon Lake and haven’t seen a ton of campaign signs but we did see quite a few Trump signs and no Hillary signs.    Well we did see a couple that said “Hillary for Prison”. 

Spoiled Brat Romney Goes Full Democrat In Smearing Donald Trump

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Posted on June 11, 2016 by Rick Wells in 2016 Election, Donald Trump, Political Establishment // 2 Comments

The holier-than-thou spoiled brat off-shoring exploiter of the American people, Mitt Romney, has apparently finally given up on the idea of either him or his mini-me Paul Ryan becoming president without having to campaign. He’s fully engaged in trashing the Republican nominee who played by the rules, did all of the work and won by unprecedented numbers against an historically large field.

If the American people were too ignorant to see his greatness and that of his fellow globalist puppet Paul Ryan four years ago and still haven’t come to their senses, then he’s done. He’s picking up his marbles and he’s going to play with the Democrats in “sort of secret.” Romney’s now doing everything he can to angrily trash the man we selected instead of him or his anointed one, Canadian establishment shill Ted Cruz.

At what could be dubbed his “Mad at America Establishment Retreat,” Romney allowed himself to be interviewed by CNN’s Wolf Blitzer and he had an angry mouthful to get off of his chest. Not being the synthetic saint that Lyin’ Ted Cruz was has its drawbacks and one of them is being the target of false claims by those who put themselves and their associates on false religious high horses. Romney, Cruz and Beck give religion a bad name as they denounce others from under their undeserved, self-positioned religious mantle. Mitt is miffed that the American people saw through his and Glenn Beck’s charade and voted for Trump instead their elite cabal candidate.

Romney won’t tolerate the rejection of him and the choices he provided, himself or the sleazy political preacher Glenn Beck proclaimed was predicted and selected by Mormon leader Joseph Smith in their founding prophecy. That non-Mormon wealth redistribution church of the Seven Mountains Dominionist, Ted Cruz might have lost, but he’s not going like a gentleman and neither is Romney. Fittingly and symbolically, the setting for Romney’s attack against those who failed to see the light of following him was the Utah mountains in Deer Park, east of Salt Lake City. Utah’s got lots of mountains; go ahead, Ted, pick the seven you like.

Romney’s angle of attack is to attack from the right flank, using the same weaponry that is coming in from the left and the same projection tactics. He’s labeling trump a racist for identifying the racist Judge Curiel, the anti-American LaRaza agitator for what he really is.

Romney told Wolf Blitzer that Trump had indicated, “What he believes in his heart about race and about Judge Curiel,” totally adopting the leftist false portrayal of the racist judge and the non-racist Mr. Trump. “I don’t want to see trickle-down racism. I don’t want to see a president of the United States saying things which change the character of the generations of Americans that are following. Presidents have an impact on the nature of our nation, and trickle-down racism, trickle-down bigotry, trickle-down misogyny; all these things are extraordinarily dangerous to the heart and character of America.”

Of course all of those are things that Romney knows Trump is not, so the real reason he’s doing what he’s doing is either to pull some shenanigans at the convention or to help the establishment candidate Hillary Clinton. He also indicated that he could support the third party candidacy if former Massachusetts governor Bill Weld were atop the ticket, as Weld is a friend of his who supported his campaigns in both 2008 and 2012. Donald Trump also supported and donated money to Romney, but his support seems to have a much shorter shelf life. Maybe that’s just more Romney BS to cover the fact that he’s an establishment tool and his job is to derail Trump.

He really had his heart set on TPP, he could have done so much pilfering of America if Trump and Sessions hadn’t ruined everything.

Hello Friends and Readers – As a defender of the US Constitution against the globalist Fascists who are attempting to destroy the United States, censorship is an unfortunate reality. Much of the media, including social media, is under the control of the anti-American globalist camp. Please like me on my New Facebook page that I’ve created in response to strangulation censorship. Find me at Stop The Takeover, and please follow me on Twitter @RickRWells I’d also appreciate it if you SUBSCRIBE in the right sidebar on my website at, as there’s no telling what the America-hating nation pirates will do next. Thanks, Rick