Beauty Beyond Bones

From Beauty Beyond Bones blog

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Hey friends – I apologize for the lack of posts on Thursday and Monday. I’m not going to go into detail, but I had a bit of a family health situation, but nothing to worry about. Everyone is fine, the baby is fine. And now I’m back to my regularly scheduled programming. Just wanted to say thank you for your patience with my absence.

This Easter was probably one of the most meaningful, powerful Easters I have ever experienced. I don’t know if it’s the fact that it’s Steven and my first Easter together as a married couple, or if it’s the fact the I’m pregnant with our daughter right now. Or just the fact that our church is so reverend and beautiful in its celebration of Holy Week.

But this Easter, my husband and I were so incredibly moved. From Wednesday going to the Office of Tenebrae, Holy Thursday, Good Friday and the the Easter Vigil on Saturday night. It was a week where we truly felt the weight of Jesus’ sacrifice for us personally.

Anyway – it was such a profoundly faithful, beautiful weekend. So you can imagine how big of a gut punch it was to hear the news on Monday about Joe Biden’s declaration that Easter Sunday was International Transgender Day of Visibility — it made me absolutely sick.

How DARE he call himself a “Catholic” when he is literally spitting in Jesus’ face with that public declaration.

The Day of Jesus’ Resurrection — the holiest day on the Christian calendar. The day when we recognize the immense sacrifice Jesus made on the Cross out of love for you and I. Jesus: blameless, yet bearing the price of OUR SINS in the nails in His hands and feet, DYING so that we could live eternally with Him in Heaven.

Biden completely disregards that, and “celebrates” the new “religion” of transgenderism and its wicked ideology that completely contradicts what Jesus stood for. Transgender ideology advocates for the mutilation of children. It claims that God’s magnificent handiwork — creating us in the womb as male or female — is wrong. Transgenderism is the sin of pride personified. And Joe Biden glorified that instead of the day when Jesus beat death, rose from the dead, and saved us from eternal damnation.

It makes me so angry, I can’t see straight.

And just to really put the icing on the cake, children were prohibited from decorating Easter eggs with religious symbols at the White House Easter Egg Roll.

Let me remind you of Matthew 18, where Jesus makes absolutely crystal clear his stance on the protection of children: “‘If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.’”

Puberty blockers and genital mutilation for children, drag queen story hours, filthy children’s books being put in school libraries that celebrate the queer agenda, children’s television programming that glorifies the queer agenda….that is what Biden was extolling through that declaration.

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò is calling for his excommunication from the Church.

People argue that Trans Day of Visibility has always fallen on March 31.

They argue that Jesus would have advocated for the marginalized, including transgender individuals.

They argue that Biden did, in fact, give a statement about Easter, albeit later.

And for that last one, I’ll just say that Biden pays lip service to a lot of things that serve him. And touting his so called, “Catholic faith” is one of them, even though he actively fights for things that the Church vehemently denounces.

The truth of the matter is this: Jesus would have loved transgender individuals. Just as I do, and just as all people should. BUT, He would have, in love, told them to turn from their lifestyle and go and sin no more. Just like Jesus told the woman caught in adultery in John 8: “‘Then neither do I condemn you,’”Jesus declared. “’Go now and leave your life of sin.’”

Look, I don’t know Joe Biden’s heart. I want to believe that his mental faculties are in such decline that he’s not even really aware of what he’s saying or doing anymore. And that he’s some puppet being controlled by his radical, godless cabinet.

But the truth of the matter is that one day he — as well as me, and you, and all of us — will have to stand before the throne of God and account for our actions — and inactions. And I just pray for him, when that day comes.

All that to say, my heart deeply hurts for Jesus today. Thinking today about the weight of the Cross He carried to Calvary; thinking about the lashings and whips He received when He was scourged; thinking about the nails that pierced His hands and feet; thinking about the public humiliation and mockery He endured during His Passion; thinking about Him breathing His last breath and handing over His Spirit….my heart aches, thinking about how He must feel, watching down from Heaven: being pushed aside to glorify transgender ideology that has yet again made a mockery of the Father.

That is what hurts my heart the most. It is so incredibly devastating.

And it’s a wake up call that this is the reality of the world we live in. And it’s a wake up call that silence is complacency. Which is exactly why I needed to make this post tonight. Because I will not stand by as my Savior is mocked and discarded for the glorification of wickedness.

I will not. And neither should you.

I’m curious: what are your thoughts on this? Is it not a big deal in your eyes? Do you feel similarly? And if so, what – if anything – can we do about it?

From Beauty Beyond Bones

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Another great post from Caralyn Colar

Savior in Chief?

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To listen to this post as a podcast, Click Here!

Last Thursday, I was censored by Facebook. Again.

Yes, my most recent post, “Check Your Snark at the Door, Sister” — which very diplomatically expressed my light criticism towards Biden parading his “Catholic faith,” — was rejected by the powers that be over at Facebook.

Apparently, if you don’t have anything nice to say about Biden, you can’t say anything at all!

Sadly, this encroachment on my personal liberty of free speech, is nothing new. Every time I post something even remotely “pro-life” in stance, Mark Zuckerberg and his minions over at the tech mega-giant reject it. It’s happened now five different times.

But this time, it is just egregious. You read my post — 200 of you commented on it. There was absolutely nothing in it that warranted a censor!

Unless, of course, seeing a woman’s collar bones is now scandalous…

Which begs the question…what the hell is going on here?

How have we gotten to this point, where tech giants and liberal politics are now in bed together? And what does that mean for the future of this country? I don’t know about you, but my mind can imagine some downright terrifying scenarios, which…unfortunately, I doubt are strictly out of the realm of possibility, all things considered.

As though censoring my article examining Biden’s faith was enough, today, the Internet decided to pour salt in my wound.

Because what comes across my desk, but The New York Time’s headline story for today:

Twist the knife, why don’t you!

In case you didn’t catch that, allow me to repeat: the headline cites Biden as “the most religiously observant commander in chief” and that “his Catholic faith grounds his life and his policies.”

I literally laughed out loud when I read that.

Are you kidding me? His Catholic faith grounds his policies?

I’m not going to sit here and judge the man’s life, that is between him and God. And like him, I too, have a lot that I will need to answer for, when I reach the Pearly Gates.

But I can comment on his policies.

They are anti-Catholic. But you know where I’m going with that. You heard me vent about that in last Thursday’s censored article.

But what I want to pause and focus on tonight, is the terrifying slight of hand that the NY Times is expertly executing in this article. So seamlessly, that you may not have even noticed it.

The Ascendant “Liberal Christianity.”

Liberal Christianity.

Headed by, none other than our Savior in Chief: “Catholic” Joe Biden.

Quoting from the article: “And with Mr. Biden, a different, more liberal Christianity is ascendant: less focused on sexual politics and more on combating poverty, climate change and racial inequality.

Do you see what they’re doing? They’re splitting the Church in two.

The Church, arguably the only organization left that has the means and influence to threaten the power of the woke, liberal left. They’re trying to undercut it and divide it in two, by creating the narrative that this “new liberal Christianity,” headed by the sound-of-mind and inclusive Joe Biden, is the future of the faith.

Joe Biden’s “Liberal Christianity” is full of love and inclusivity — not focused on “sexual politics” (aka, protecting the unborn, defining marriage and gender on biblical and scientific principles) — but rather, combating poverty, climate change and racial inequality.

They’re trying to redefine what it means to be a Christian. Belong to the “old, unwoke” Christianity, and you’re just a cotton headed ninny muggins with their head buried in the sand, concerned with “sexual politics.” OK Boomer — why don’t you go answer your rotatry phone…I bet it’s another closeminded homophobe calling.

No. The new liberal Christianity has evolved. It’s higher thinking. It’s woke.

First of all, news flash: Christianity has always been concerned with combatting poverty and seeking racial equality. Have they never heard of social justice?? That movement is flourishing in the Church, and is the foundation of Christian thought and the Christian walk. Hello, Mother Teresa!?

And secondly: the Bible is unchanging. Thou shall not kill…last I checked, still stands. Love your neighbor…yep, still in effect.

But here’s the real kicker.

Again, watch for the slight of hand….quoting from the article: “Mr. Biden’s policy priorities reflect those of Pope Francis, who has sought to turn the church’s [sic] attention from sexual politics to issues like environmental protection, poverty and migration.

Did you see that? They’re trying to align Joe Biden and Pope Francis as the new “woke Catholic” sect that’s here to “rebrand” this whole Catholics-are-stuck-on-pro-life-garbage image. They’re trying to instill doubt and lure those wavering away from the sound dogma and teachings of the Church.

The fact is, Catholics, as it stands, are rather divided over the issue of abortion. Those who ardently adhere to the faith are staunchly against abortion, and are prolife. But those who are Catholic in name only tend to pick and choose which of the biblical and Church teachings they’re going to adopt, and pro-life views are often not on that list.

So what the NY Times is expertly doing here, is luring that crowd to the “dark side.” Oh look, you see? Biden AND the Pope are woke. They’ve turned away from pro-life policies. YOU SHOULD TOO.

Ah, the power of suggestion. Manipulation at its finest.

Turns out, though, that when it comes to Pope Francis, they’re absolutely wrong.

And this is the last thing.

I know, everyone and their brother has an opinion about Pope Francis. The media love him – because he will say things just vaguely enough, that the liberal media can take his soundbites and twist them to make it look like he’s abandoning traditional Catholic teachings, and is a radical force to be reckoned with.

Which, is not all wrong.

But when it comes to abortion, Pope Francis could not be more clear: abortion is wrong, and the Catholic faith is pro-life through and through.

Quoting Pope Francis in an audience he had with US bishops from January 2020, “protecting human life is the preeminent social and political issue.”

He could not have been more clear: “It is the most fundamental right. This is not first a religious issue; it’s a human rights issue.”

I will end with a powerful quote from Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann, who released this statement just a few days ago on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, after President Biden and VP Harris celebrated the decision as an advancement of women’s rights and health:

“It is deeply disturbing and tragic that any President would praise and commit to codifying a Supreme Court ruling that denies unborn children their most basic human and civil right, the right to life, under the euphemistic disguise of a health service. I take this opportunity to remind all Catholics that the Catechism states, ‘Since the first century the Church has affirmed the moral evil of every procured abortion. This teaching has not changed and remains unchangeable.’ Public officials are responsible for not only their personal beliefs, but also the effects of their public actions. Roe’s elevation of abortion to the status of a protected right and its elimination of state restrictions paved the way for the violent deaths of more than 62 million innocent unborn children and for countless women who experience the heartache of loss, abandonment, and violence. We strongly urge the President to reject abortion and promote life-affirming aid to women and communities in need.”

Game. Set. Match.

“This is what the Lord says to these bones: I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life.” Ez 37:5